New Release: Kids In Glass Houses - Secret Santa
This music video is an insight into the Kids In Glass Houses Christmas party, and I really want to be there. It looks like a lot of fun, and relates to the song perfectly, including an out-of-place flamingo, which somehow fits exactly the way it is supposed to.
I like the presents and the Santa Claus that appears. But my favourite bit has to be when they are holding the signs up that is part of the lyrics of the song, for those who don't catch it, it reads "Who is my secret Santa baby?". Also for those of you who miss the joke from the cracker, it is "Where do snowmen go to dance? To a snowball."
There are a few things that is missing, such as when the bow and arrow is fired, they could at least have made it stick to the camera. And the mistletoe isn't so great either, although I do like that scene. I just feel something more important is missing, that makes this video lacking.
Overall, a great song that keeps climbing up the iTunes chart, and I'm hoping that it doesn't stop climbing, it deserves to chart really high. The accompanying music video is great to watch and makes you want to join in as there is a lot of fun going on. But there's just something that is missing, but what that is I'm not sure. It's not quite worth five stars, but I'll give it what it deserves.